ReelChange: Shaping Accessible Workplaces





This is a 1-hour webinar held on April 2nd, 2024. Whether you’re a business leader, HR professional, or an advocate for disability rights, you will take away valuable insights and practical advice on making equitable accessibility a reality in the workplace.

What is the real change that businesses can make in the workplace to provide equitable accessibility? This panel aims to dissect and discuss key strategies businesses can employ by drawing on lessons learned from the many speakers, creators, and artists spotlighted in this year’s ReelAbilities Houston film and arts festival. An enlightening conversation with experts who bring personal and professional insights into accessibility in the workplace, this panel is not just about highlighting the challenges but also about showcasing actionable strategies and real-world examples of inclusion done right.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand Key Strategies for Equitable Accessibility:
    • Gain insights into effective strategies businesses can implement to enhance accessibility.
  1. Learn from Real-World Examples:
    • Analyze actionable strategies and real-world examples of successful inclusion from various industries.
  1. Draw Lessons from Diverse Perspectives:
    • Explore lessons learned from speakers, creators, and artists.
  1. Integrate Personal and Professional Insights:
    • Benefit from the personal and professional experiences of experts in the field of accessibility.
  1. Enhance Knowledge of Disability Services:
    • Learn about the role and impact of disability services in creating an inclusive workplace.
  1. Identify Challenges and Solutions:
    • Understand the challenges faced in achieving accessibility and explore practical solutions to overcome them.
  1. Implement Actionable Advice:
    • Acquire practical advice on making equitable accessibility a reality in the workplace, tailored for business leaders, HR professionals, and disability rights advocates.



Angel Ponce, Director of the Houston Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities.

Cody Francisco, CDI, Director of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services and Business Development at MasterWord.

Jamie Paul Weiner, LCSW, Manager of Disability Services and the Alexander Institute for Inclusion at JFS Houston.

Jeffrey Feinstein, Co-creator of the Walk and Roll for SCI fundraising event.



Ludmila Golovine, CEO of MasterWord, one of Houston’s most diverse workplaces.