
Customer Preferred & the Preferred Interpreter

Our end-user clients, consumers, or customers include the staff and licensed professionals of hospitals, courts, social service organizations, businesses, police departments, first responders, and schools. Our clients also include those members of the public who do not speak English or who are Deaf or deaf-blind and who rely on us to interpret for them.

Language Proficiency – Preferred Interpreter

Today’s inaugural post concerns language proficiency on both sides of the language pair. There are quite a few different components to this topic. A great way to approach language proficiency is to think about the end user of the interpreter’s product, which is his communication performance.

Setting Your Rate – Freelancing in the Language Industry

Whether you are new to the industry as a whole or simply new to an area, one of the most challenging tasks is setting your rate(s). Most of us can agree that if your rate is too high, no one will hire you,…

How Can I Start My Career as a Freelance Healthcare Interpreter

My career path to becoming a healthcare interpreter was by no means straightforward. At that time, there was no established path. Most professional healthcare interpreters I meet seemed share similar stories about how they started their careers by accident. In a way, I also became a healthcare interpreter by accident.